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Membership Information
The Gypsy Horse Registry of America would like to Welcome You to the wonderful World of Gypsy Horses. You could not have picked a kinder, more beautiful horse. GHRA members are just as kind as their horses. Regular, Associate & International Membership renewal is due January 1st of each year.
Classes of Membership
Regular Members
$75 per year + processing fee
Regular Members are those persons who own an un-divided or community property interest in and have registered with the GHRA one or more Gypsy Horses, Section AB, or C, who have applied for and been accepted to membership in the GHRA, by the Board of Directors or their designee and who are not in arrears in payment of their annual dues.
Lifetime Members
$700 one time payment + processing fee
Lifetime Members are those persons who own an undivided or community property interest in and have registered with the GHRA one or more Gypsy Horse Section AB, or C, who have applied for and been accepted to membership in the GHRA, by the Board of Directors or their designee and who are not in arrears in payment of their lifetime fee. Lifetime members shall pay no annual dues. For purposes of these Bylaws the term “Regular Membership” shall be deemed to include “Lifetime Member” except where otherwise specified.
Associate Members
$50 per year + processing fee
Associate Members are those persons who are interested in the objectives and purposes of the GHRA but who do not own a Gypsy Horse Section AB, or C, at the time of application for membership in the GHRA, who have applied for and been accepted to membership in the GHRA, by the Board of Directors or their designee and who are not in arrears in payment of their annual dues.
International Membership
$80 per year + processing fee
International Members are those persons who own an un-divided or community property interest in and have registered with the GHRA one or more Gypsy Horses, Section AB, or C, who have applied for and been accepted to membership in the GHRA, by the Board of Directors or their designee and who are not in arrears in payment of their annual dues and reside in countries outside the United States.
Youth Members
$20 per year + processing fee
Youth Members are those persons under age eighteen (18) who are interested in the objectives and purposes of the GHRA but who may or may not have a Gypsy Horse Section AB, or C at the time of application of membership.
Membership privileges
Listing in the published GHRA Breeder’s List and listing on the GHRA website Breeder’s List
Free link to the GHRA website
Free Ranch/Farm News in the GHRA News Letter
Participation in GHRA general proceedings and elections (Associate Membership not included)
Reduced horse registration fees
*Note: It is not necessary to be a member to register your horse, nor is it necessary to own a horse to become a member. However, ANNUAL membership payment is encouraged to assist the registry in growing, advertising, promotion, providing educational services, providing guidance with events, and more. Please support your registry with annual membership renewal!
Thank You for joining and supporting your registry!
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