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Lifetime member Patti Reller with Stanford
The GHRA Ambassador Award is an enrollment program designed to reward members
for presenting and exhibiting their Gypsy Horse to the public.
*** UPDATE*** All registered horses are automatically eligible for this program and no enrollment is required.
Ambassador Application Instructions
Entry Fee: Free
1. Horse must be registered with the Gypsy Horse Registry of America.
2. Owner(s) and exhibitor(s) of horse must hold a current membership with the Gypsy Horse Registry of America.
Points will accumulate from the date membership begins, either through renewal or new membership.
3. If a horse’s registration is in process or pending, the event reporting form will be held until notification from
the registrar of horse’s completed registration. If registration is not completed by the end of the reporting
period, all acquired points will be invalid.
Program guidelines:
1. Program is open to all GHRA registered horses and GHRA registered crossbreds.
2. Points will be tabulated to determine year end awards.
3. Categories include but not limited to Open All-breed shows, Expos, Fairs, Parades, Clinics, Sponsored Trail
Rides etc. Please include any other events you would like considered.
6. All submissions will be verified, any falsified results will result in disqualification. Submission that are
unverifiable will not be included in the final tabulation of points.
7. This program does NOT include purebred gypsy shows.
8. The deadline for submitting reports for previous years’ exhibitions is Jan 5th of each year.
Year End Awards:
1. Points will be accumulated and tabulated to determine the award winners.
2. Award Categories Include a Junior Category (2 years old or less) and Senior Category (3 years old or greater).
High Point Mare – Reserve High Point Mare
High Point Stallion – Reserve High Point Stallion
High Point Gelding – Reserve High Point Gelding
High Point Crossbred -Reserve High Point Crossbred
Point System:
1. Each horse will receive 10 points per day of exhibition. For example, if you attend a 3 day exhibition, you will
receive 30 points. If you participate in a parade, you will receive 10 points.
1. Go to log in (if you have not created a member log in, please do so). Under the Member
Services tab, click on member forms download .
2. Select the Ambassador Reporting Form.
3. Complete the form, multiple events may be recorded on one form. Please include documentation of
participation. Acceptable documentation would be, open breed show results, photographs, event
advertising, etc.
4. Submit reporting forms via snail mail to GHRA Ambassador, PO BOX 872, Louisburg, KS 66053 or
scan and save as a jpeg and email to If reporting form(s) are mailed, please
keep a copy for future reference. GHRA is not responsible for misdirected or lost mail.


Mail to:
Shannon Lord
c/o GHRA Ambassador
PO Box 872
Louisburg, KS 66053
Email to:
Shannon Lord
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